Olson Tractor Restoration

We Specialize in Professional Restorations of Any Brand of Tractors, Pedal Tractors and Equipment & we also are your local repair shop to fully service your tractor, equipment and combines.  

To do a complete and professional restoration project, the following procedures will have to be completed: 

*Assess your tractor
*Perform mechanical repairs
*Sand Blast
*Body Work

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  Follow our restoration project from start to finish

Assess Your Tractor or Implement
An estimate is provided to the customer so that they understand what is going to be required in order to complete the restoration. Sometimes we encounter unknown challenges as we are working on a tractor. When this happens, we contact the customer and let them know of the issue and what we recommend to fix along with the cost to complete the job.


We Can Perform Mechanical Repairs
It is very uncommon that a tractor restoration simply involves just paint job. At the very least, some new gaskets, wiring, and radiator hoses may be installed. We usually recommend refurbishing or replacing the radiator, water pump, light bulbs, carburetor, ignition points, battery, V-belts and spark plugs.


We Will Disassemble Your Tractor or Implement
Depending on the extent of the work required, components are removed from the tractor. For painting, anything that cannot be completely painted in place is removed and painted separately. In addition, anything that is blocking access to another component must be removed.


We Need to Sand Blast
Most large parts are sand blasted. The abrasive blasting crystals that we use are able to cut through grease, grime, old paint, and rust to expose pure, bare metal. This is the ideal condition for priming and painting. To protect critical components on the tractor, we will seal the surfaces before blasting.

We Will Need To Do Body Work
Dents and dings are inevitable with an old tractor. Even a tractor that looks perfect with old, dull paint on it might show dents once a shiny new paint job is completed. Therefore, it is important to go over the entire tractor and look for dents and dings. We use a combination of modern and classic techniques to remove dents and make sheet metal look like new. In cases where rust has eaten away metal, we can fabricate steel patches and weld them in. Once the welds are ground down and the piece is finished, the patch is undetectable. On some tractors, the dents are less subtle.


We Will Use a Quality Primer
We use several different primers depending on the application. For most pieces we use an epoxy primer to seal the bare metal and then paint it as soon as the epoxy is "tack free". This will provide an excellent bond between the metal, primer, and paint. For sheet metal or other parts that require an extremely smooth finish, we first use an etching primer followed by a high-build, sandable primer. Once this dries, we can sand the part to take out any remaining minor imperfections.

We prefer to use single stage automotive paint for our restorations. Some customers prefer that we use implement paint from a dealership. This paint is less expensive but generally it is more difficult to get a perfect finish with it. All of the paint we apply has hardener added to it. This gives the paint a better shine and makes it more durable. We like to use the original colors for all of our restoration jobs and this research is always part of the restoration process.


Once the paint has dried, the tractor is re-assembled and decals are applied. Great care is taken during the assembly process to protect the newly painted parts. Once assembled, bolt heads and other items are "touched up" with a small brush. The tractor looks better than it did when it came off the assembly line. The modern chemicals and processes that we use will help to keep it that way for years and years.

This is our final product

The WD 45 is owned by Jim and Sharon Hauschild